Key differences between a Sports Therapist and Physiotherapist?
The roles of a Sports Therapist and Physiotherapist are incredibly similar. Both are degree-based practices with the clinical ability to diagnose, treat and provide a treatment plan. The key difference between the two is that the Physiotherapy course covers a broader range of conditions such as neurological, cardiovascular and respiratory conditions as well as muscular-skeletal. In comparison, Sports therapy focuses purely on muscular-skeletal therapy and injury recovery/prevention.

Whether you are an amateur or competitive skier getting in shape for the ski season is always a great way to prevent injuries on the slope.
Our Therapist's will guide you through a series of exercises to identify any preexisting imbalances and blend this with other exercises to improve your overall fitness and wellbeing.

Prehab is a way of strengthening an area providing vital joint support before surgery to aid your post-op recovery.
This is key to getting a smooth transition between injury, surgery and return to daily life.
Post-op care consists of checking for signs of infection, improving the range of movement in the joint and starting to regain strength.

If you a keen sports person, like a weekend hike or you are about to embark on a big adventure injury prevention may be something you want to think about before you set off.
The best way of doing this is to tackling any preexisting niggles and start a tailored strengthing programme with our highly trained sports therapists so you have a worry free time!

Sports massage differs from regular massage through the techniques used and the focus on the session as it's geared towards deep tissue release. This helps to enhance sports performance and promote faster recovery from those dreaded DOMS!

Our Sports Therapists are highly trained with a degree-based practice that allows them to diagnose, treat and refer you if they feel it's appropriate. They have several tools in their belt to help you get back to your pre-injury.